
新任英国驻华代办John Denson向英国外交部报告了一则趣闻:最近他拜访坦桑尼亚驻华代办时得知,有一群年轻的坦桑尼亚男女正在广东省学习杂技,学习显然有一段时间了。近来,这些学生多次向坦国代办报告对广东文革的乱局感到不安,他们甚至多次听到枪声。但中方安慰他们说这纯属中国内政,不必在乎。此外,中国人对性关系的清教徒式观点也让这些坦国年轻人感到不舒服。
Office of the British Charge
     19   March,
Dear Colin,
During my
call on the Tanzanian Charge d’Affaires he told me that there is
a group of young Tanzanians studying acrobatics in
Kwangtung Province
. They
have apparently been there for some time. Recently, the Charg
e has received a number of reports from the
group that
they were worried by
disturbances resulting from the Cultural Revolution
in which they had indirectly been involved. They had, moreover, heard shooting on a number of
. They and the
Tanzanian Embassy here had been
assured by the Chinese that this was an entirely internal matter about
which they need not be concerned
2.    The group,  which
consists of young men and women,
have, I gather, also been put off by what they regard as the unnecessarily puritanical attitude of the Chinese towards relations
between the sexes
. The
Charge, who has paid several visits to the group, hopes to do so again shortly
and has said he will let me know how he finds them.
I am
sending copies of this letter to Robin McLaren in Hong Kong, Michael Wilford in
Washington and to Chancery at Dar-es-Salaam.
Yours ever
(J.B. Denson)
Colin Wilson, Esq..,
Eastern Department,

