1968.1.20 从中国驻英代办处叛逃的厨师访问台湾

郭德路叛逃中共八年后来到台湾参加「一·二三自由日」庆典,1968.1.25 英国驻台湾淡水的领事馆向英国外交部报告了这条新闻。(按:郭德路系音译,韦氏拼音Kuo Teh-lu;1954123日超过14千名在韩战中被俘的原共军人员抵达台湾,自此中华民国政府将123日设立为自由日。)


China News   20
JAN 1968
Ex-Red Chef Says To Open Restaurant
Smiling and plump, looking every inch a chef, Kuo
, former cook of the Chinese Communist “mission” in
London, said he was glad to see his own countrymen in free China.
Kuo, 47, of Shantung, spoke in heavy Shantung accent from
a written statement at a press conference at the Free China Relief
this morning. He arrived here late last night from
England to join in the Jan.23 Freedom Day celebrations.
Jan. 23 is designated Freedom Day to commemorate the arrival
of 14,000 POWs in the Korean War who chose freedom in Taiwan.
Kuo called on Ku Cheng-kang, president of the FCRA, this
morning before he met with the press. Ku is arranging a trip to Central and Southern
Taiwan for Kuo before he returns to London.
Kuo said he would like to come to Taiwan again next year
and start a restaurant here.
Kuo sneaked out from the Red Chinese “mission”
in London on Feb. 26, 1960 while others were attending a “political lesson.”
He asked and was given political asylum by the British government.
He has been in London, running several Chinese
restaurants, and is quite successful. He jumped to freedom when ordered to
return to the China mainland. He said he made up his mind to quit after a
vacation on the China mainland in 1957. He saw starvation with his own eyes. He
went to London as chef for the Red Chinese “mission” in 1954.
出处:英国外交部档案 FCO 21/78
