曹顺利等三位人权捍卫者获2014年“马丁. 恩诺奖”最终提名

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马丁.恩诺人权捍卫者奖(Martin Ennals Human Rights Defenders Award) 由多家国际人权组织(评审委员见下)评选产生,授予那些对人权有高度奉献并面临巨大个人风险的人权捍卫者。该奖项的目的在于表彰他们的工作,并通过增加他们的关注度的方式为他们提供保护。今年或最后一轮前三名提名的有:

曹顺利 (中国): 2014年3月14日,曹顺利在官方羁押中去世。2013年9月14日,在准备登机前往日内瓦参加人权理事会会议时,她被机场安检人员带走并失踪。数周之后,中国政府才透露她已被刑事拘留。由于曹顺利身患疾病但当局在羁押期间拒绝为她提供及时的治疗,并多次拒绝她的律师和家属提出取保候审以便治病的申请,致使她的病情严重恶化、病危后送到医院,为时太晚,无法抢救而去世。自2008年以来,曹顺利便积极倡导信息公开、言论和集会自由,希望当局在起草“国家人权行动计划”和递交普遍定期审议的“国家人权报告”过程中征集民间建议、采纳公民社会提交的独立人权信息。她因此两次被判处“劳动教养”共计两年多时间,并不断受到骚扰。这是一起人权捍卫者因运用国际人权机制而遭到迫害的悲剧。

“不管我们的作用是大是小,是有还是无,但是我们提出来了 [要求当局在起草国家人权行动计划、国家人权报告过程中征集民间建议]。这是民间的权利,我们只是代表弱势群体。” – 曹顺利

“联合国人权理事会,理事会主席及其他联合国成员国现在必须支持对她的死亡进行独立调查,并追究中国政府报复打压这样一位以和平方式投身人权的人权捍卫者的负责”。 – 国际人权服务中心 马凯

Adilur Rahman Khan (孟加拉国), 自20世纪90年代起,他便致力于倡导多项人权,包括非法拘禁、强迫失踪和法外处决。他的组织,Odhikar,是孟加拉国仅存的极少的独立声音。他个人因收集信息记录反政府示威期间被法外处决的61人的案例正面临刑事指控。2013年8月,警察在没有出示逮捕令的情况下将他逮捕,并在最初拒绝承认逮捕了他。立即扩散的公众关注有助于拯救他的生命。目前,他的组织正面临被关闭的风险。向Odhikar捐赠的资金遭到首相办公室阻拦。

Adilur Khan先生说道:“[我被提名]这一富有声望的奖项将更加鼓舞我,以及那些和我一起为在孟加拉国实现社会正义所需的民主和法治并肩奋斗的同事们。这一奖项是人权捍卫者得到认可的象征,它将增加对人权受害者及其家人的关注和保护。”

Alejandra Ancheita (墨西哥), ProDESC组织的创始者和执行主任。有15年以上的时间,她一直致力于保护移民、劳工和原住民社区的土地和劳工权利,使其免遭采矿和能源跨国公司的侵犯。这些争议包括针对她所致力保护的对象的暴力。她也是最早在墨西哥的法庭上对跨国公司侵害本地社区居民权利追究责任的先行者之一。在墨西哥,有很明显的针对人权捍卫者的袭击、威胁、判刑和谋杀。Alejandra和她的组织ProDESC已经受到了监控、在全国性的媒体上被污名化,他们的办公室也遭到了入侵。

Ancheita 女士说到:“这一认可引起对墨西哥人权捍卫者,尤其是女性人权捍卫者更加频繁地遭到暴力的关注。我希望它不仅为我,还为我所在国的所有人权捍卫者的处境和安全带来一些改善。”


马丁.恩诺人权捍卫者奖 (MEA)是人权运动的主要奖项。是世界上十个主要的人权组织保护世界各地人权捍卫者的一种独特的合作。评审委员会由以下非政府组织组成:

    Amnesty International (国际特赦组织),

    Human Rights Watch (人权观察),

    Human Rights First (人权第一),

    Int’l Federation for Human Rights (国际人权联盟),

    World Organisation Against Torture (世界反酷刑组织),

    Front Line Defenders (前线卫士),

    International Commission of Jurists (国际法学家委员会),

    EWDE Germany (德国EWDE),

    International Service for Human Rights (国际人权服务)

    HURIDOCS (人权情报文献系统).



 Geneva, Wednesday 23 April 2014

Cao Shunli (曹顺利) Selected as
One of Three Final Nominees for the
Martin Ennals Award 2014

This award is selected by the International Human Rights Community (See Jury Below) and given to Human Rights Defenders who have shown deep commitment and face great personal risk. The aim of the award is to highlight their work and protect them through increased visibility.

Cao Shunli (China): She died in detention on March 14th after being denied medical attention for known health conditions until it was too late Cao Shunli was taken away by airport security on September 14th shortly before boarding a flight in order to participate in the Human Rights Council. Then, she disappeared. Chinese authorities only acknowledged her detention a month later, when she was arrested on charges of “creating a disturbance”. Her health seriously deteriorated in detention, as she developed tuberculosis and was suffering from a liver condition, but Cao was denied treatment, and numerous applications for medical release were refused. Since 2008, Cao vigorously advocated for civil society participation in China’s preparations for its Universal Periodic Review in 2009 and 2013, and the drafting of its national human rights action plan. For this, she spent over two years in the “re-education through labour” system and was subjected to repeated harassment. This is a tragic example of reprisals suffered by human rights defenders who work with international human rights mechanisms.
Cao Shunli and Her legacy (1961-2014) : “Our impact may be large, may be small, and may be nothing. But we must try. It is our duty to the dispossessed and it is the right of civil society..” – Cao Shunli

“The Chinese government’s ruthless persecution of Cao Shunli can mean only one thing: that Cao Shunli’s work matters, and civil society participation in the UN’s work on human rights matters,” said Renee Xia of Chinese Human Rights Defenders.

“The Human Rights Council, its President and other UN Member States must now support an independent investigation into her death, and hold China accountable for this reprehensible reprisal against a committed and peaceful human rights defender”, said Michael Ineichen of the International Service for Human Rights.
Other Nominees:
Adilur Rahman Khan (Bangladesh), a human rights defender working on a wide range of human rights issues, such as illegal detention, enforced disappearances, and extra-judicial killings. He is currently facing criminal prosecution for documenting the extrajudicial deaths during demonstrations against the government. His organization, Odhikar, is one of the few independent voices left in Bangladesh.

Alejandra Ancheita (Mexico), Founder and Executive Director of ProDESC. For over 15 years she has worked with migrants, workers, and indigenous communities to protect their land and labour rights vis a vis transnational mining and energy companies. Ms Ancheita and ProDESC have been subjected to surveillance, a defamation campaign in the national media, and a break in at their offices.

The Award will be presented on Oct. 7th at a ceremony hosted by the City of Geneva.

The main award of the human rights movement. The Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders (MEA) is a unique collaboration among ten of the world’s leading human rights organizations to give protection to human rights defenders worldwide.  The Jury is composed of the following NGOs:

Amnesty International,
Human Rights Watch,
Human Rights First,
Int’l Federation for Human Rights,
World Organisation Against Torture,
Front Line Defenders
International Commission of Jurists,
EWDE Germany,
International Service for Human Rights 

For further information, please contact: Michael Khambatta +41 79 474 8208
[email protected] or visit www.martinennalsaward.org

Renee Xia, International Director, CHRD, +1 240 374 8937, [email protected], visit www.chrdnet.com, or on Twitter @CHRDnet
